Update History
Here you can find all the update and upgrade about OligoMiner - App
Current Version: 1.1.2
21/12/21 - v1.1.2 update
- In this minor update we resolved an OligoMiner issue about output probes strand. Now all the final probes will be on the same strand (basing on the user strand of choice)
01/04/21 - v1.0.4 update
- In this major update we performed the migration of OlIgoMinerApp web-server into an upgraded hardware in order to empower the overall performances and computations. Moreover many parts of OligoMInerApp code were optimized to let the system more stable and able to manage more requests.
- During the process of migration all user-data were lost due to technical reasons.
- Due to the migration, the versioning name of OligoMinerApp is now changed. We are now at the v1.0.4 that is the first public release of the new improved version of OligoMinerApp v1.0.0.
27/05/20 - 1.3.2 update
- Resolved a bug in uploading function that imports some sequences by adding to each line '\r' causing the premature stop of the analysis
29/04/20 - 1.3.1 update
- Added the possibility to design probes on Escherichia coli
- Added the possibility to design probes on Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Updated the welcome page
27/04/20 - 1.3.0 release update
- The application OligoMinerApp is officialy released at https://oligominerapp.eu/
- The paper about OligoMinerApp is officialy published inside Nucleic Acid Research web-server issue at https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkaa251
- Added the possibility, for each features, to add sequences or probes directly using a file from your local device
16/09/19 - 1.2.3 open-beta update
- Added MIT license for Oligominer and OligoMinerApp.
- Fixed a bug that caused the cumulative paste of example sequences followed by mutiple pressure of the example button.
- Added a new Logo for OligoMinerApp.
- Added Cookies advice bar
13/09/19 - 1.2.2 open-beta update
- Extended maximum input fasta sequence from 40 kpb to 100 kbp.
- Extended maximum input probes number from 1000 to 3000.
07/08/19 - 1.2.1 open-beta update
- Fixed the way "Input - Probes Check" processes the header of the submitted probes set that was causing bugs.
- Implemented an automatic textarea-fill functions to work as formatting sequences submitting example.
07/08/19 - 1.2.0 open-beta release and update
- OligoMinerApp is officialy released publicly in the form of open-beta.
- Revised the text of all HTML pages for the open-beta release.
01/08/19 - 1.1.5 closed-beta update
- Revised help-texts for the helping windows.
- Implemented animated help windows for all the application.
23/07/19 - 1.1.4 closed-beta update
- Changed and updated menu layout and titles
- Changed the position and step number of Reference Genome options, to be more accurate regarding the logical OligoMiner workflow.
19/07/19 - 1.1.3 closed-beta update
- Implemented animated help windows for "Search Results" and "Results".
- Changed all the referenced link into referenced buttons.
- Revised the layout of "Results" and "Search Results" pages.
19/07/19 - 1.1.2 closed-beta update
- Implemented animated help windows for "Input Single", "Input Multi" and "Input Probes".
02/07/19 - 1.1.1 closed-beta update
- Added 7 reference genomes to use for probes design covering different model-organism
- Added the possibility to change the substrings bp length from a minimum of 16 to a maximum of 32 in the "substrings off-tagets searching" phase
19/06/19 - 1.1.0 closed-beta update
- Updated the automatic installer of OligoMinerApp allowing the automatic configuration of the host-machine in order to manage docker throught TCP procols and avoiding to give root privileges to docker containers
18/06/19 - 1.0.9 closed-beta update
- Modified dockerfiles to open docker container as the current host-machine User, limiting in this way docker access to the host machine improving system stability and security
- Completely changed the way docker containers are called, shifting from unix-socket to TCP protocol enabling in this way the possibility to call docker containers remotely
- Corrected a minor bug related to a writing error, but not relevant, when calling probeRC.py script
14/06/19 - 1.0.8 closed-beta update
- Completely rebuilt docker images, adding major changes inside each dockerfile, to be more explicit about versioning of software, packages, libraries and dependecies in order to ensure reproduciblity and stability over time
- Solved the bug causing malfunction to "Input - Probes Check" module
- Solved the bug causing the "Input - Probes Check" module to not produces histogram and barplot at the result page
05/04/19 - 1.0.7 closed-beta update
- Added publishing options directly on result page
- Correct a bug by removing unwanted words 'None' on result page
04/04/19 - 1.0.6 closed-beta update
- Added melting and stripping temperature visualization (histogram and barchart) inside each results page.
- Minor bugs correction
26/03/19 - 1.0.5 closed-beta update
- Added privacy functions to allow public data sharing and visualization
- Added public experiment name customization
- Added the possibility to set thermodynamic table for DNA or RNA probe discovery
- Added the dynamic visualizaton of parameters inside result page
- Added download option for parameters table inside result page
- Set maximum number of input probes to 650
- Set maximum fasta input length to 20Kbp
- Extended the time-out limit of workers for queue disposal to 120 minutes
- Bug correction about search function that crash on searching for invalid or inexistent experiments
- Minor bugs correction
18/03/2019 - 1.0.4 closed-beta update
- Implemented Docker-Compose technology to effectively manage the application's functions and structure
- Extended the time-out limit of workers for queue disposal to 10 minutes
- Fixed layout of picture (automatic sizing)
- Minor bugs correction
07/02/2019 - 1.0.3 closed-beta update
- Added a new function for analyze and filter any kind of probes even if not designed by OligoMiner (Input - Probes check)
- Remove of warning text below fasta input box
- Minor bugs correction
07/02/2019 - 1.0.2 closed-beta update
- Added the possibility to select the desired output probes strand
- Added 'Update History' official page for OligoMinerApp
- Added security check to the 'Input-Multi' submitting of data
- Fixed layout of pages
- Minor bugs correction
04/02/2019 - 1.0.1 closed-beta update
- Added warning text below fasta input box regarding output probes strand
- Added autoinstall function using cloud services to fast the update of the application
- Minor bugs correction
08/01/2019 - 1.0.0 closed-beta release
- Official closed-beta release of OligoMinerApp 1.0.0 on INGM server